Why does sentence coverage not include branch coverage?
¿Estás preparando la certificación Foundation Level y te confunde la diferencia entre cobertura de sentencia y cobertura de rama?En este…
¿Estás preparando la certificación Foundation Level y te confunde la diferencia entre cobertura de sentencia y cobertura de rama?En este…
In this video, I answer some of the most frequently asked questions I get from students in my courses...
What course do I need to get a job in testing? (Or any other IT role)Today we reflect on…
Today I'm going to tell you 3 ways to generate fake files with the extension and size you need...
I present to you the first introductory course on testing artificial intelligence systems in Spanish. This course is…
In this video we talk about what technical debt is, why it arises, when it is convenient to take it and cancel it. A concept…
A pedido del público hoy hablamos de qué son las pruebas unitarias y cuáles son sus beneficios.En el próximo video…
Download for free all the material from the talks and conferences I gave and the articles I wrote...Yes, I'm still doing...