Professional development session

$ 24,99


Boost your career in testing with personalized coaching! Access one or several one-on-one sessions designed to drive your professional growth. It's important to note that this is not a consulting service. This is a space dedicated exclusively to your professional and career growth. Book your session and get ready to take your career to the next level!

Once you make the purchase, you'll be able to schedule your appointment. You can check availability on the calendar below. 

Boost your career

How are we going to achieve it?

Through individual and online meetings where we apply different techniques and tools to understand your current and desired situation as well as your motivations and skills. 

How long does the process take?

The process depends on each person, so we could not know in advance how long it will take. That will depend, among other factors, on the uncertainty you have, your commitment and the time you can dedicate. Just to give you examples, some processes have taken 2 sessions and others have required a little more than 10.

What can I expect from these meetings?

In each one you will be a little closer to know where you want to go. Once you can take it decision, we will work on how to reach that goal. So, you will clarify your goals and make a plan to achieve them.

What if I want to continue working with you later?

We can do it! This journey that we started together ends when you decide. We can continue to monitor your goals, talking about situations in your professional life that concern you and / or analyzing specific situations to see how we solve them.

“Look at the present that you are building,
It should look like the future you're dreaming of. "

Alice Walker


"You have been a light in my professional path, thanks to that I have made several decisions, including a job change. I did it becasue I needed to continue growing in a different environment, I sent my CV to a company and TODAY I received an economic proposal and the opportunity to work with them. "
"We had a nice journey together. Thanks to these sessions I was able to turn the course of my career and leave the world of testing in which I worked for more than 15 years. Now I have a new challenge that is managing multidisciplinary teams."
Project Manager

Schedule your meeting once the purchase is completed!

Additional information


45 minutos

