Changes in the Foundation Level certification

Let's review the changes that the Foundation Level certification had in the new version. 2011 to 2018. The Foundation Level is the base of the certification's roadmap since it establishes the minimum and essential knowledge about testing. The rest of the certifications of this institution, have as a prerequisite, have passed this level.

As it became known, this change occurs for two main reasons. First, because the testing industry has changed a lot in recent years and they wanted to accompany this change. On the other hand, they wanted to make a more practical certification, giving more importance to the applied knowledge.

On the official website you canfind the content of the new version,download the study material andfind answers to frequently asked questions about migration.

In this video, I will tell you about the changes that were made, review the syllabus and answer the most frequently asked questions such as What happens with the certification I already have? And when will the new version come into effect?