New version of the ISTQB Test Automation Engineer certification!
The Certified Tester Test Automation Engineer (CT-TAE) certification has evolved, and version 2.0 is now available. This update incorporates…
The Certified Tester Test Automation Engineer (CT-TAE) certification has evolved, and version 2.0 is now available. This update incorporates…
This is a video for all IT professionals (not just testers) who are interested in learning…
We are looking for interested parties to teach one or more Introduction to Testing courses. It is an ideal opportunity for those who…
Hola testers, hoy vengo a traerles un notición para aquellos que están preparando la certificación Foundation Level en Español 2018.…
On Wednesday I will be participating in the OnlineTestConf (OTC).
Do you think testing software for adults is the same than doing it for children? I wait for you in this webinar.
On this video I want to tell you several news and raffle an exam.