My first job resignation
Here I tell you what job I quit, how I made the decision to end that job and the lessons learned ...
Here I tell you what job I quit, how I made the decision to end that job and the lessons learned ...
Many people ask me "I am over 45 years old, can I start testing?". The answer is Yes! Without a doubt.
The video was loooong ... but I wanted to tell you about my experience studying English in Sydney.
Today I want to tell you what I learned during the BMW manufacturing process. There are many things that can be extrapolated to our process.
I tell you everything about the new accessibility law in Argentina.
That a system is accessible, according to the W3C implies that it complies with its 4 principles. Let's talk about them.
In the previous post I told you about the blogs I read in Spanish. On this video I want to recommend you some in English.
Do you know what Lean coffee is? I tell you what it is.