I don't have time to test everything
What to do when you're short on time to do testing? I received this interview question and found it interesting...
What to do when you're short on time to do testing? I received this interview question and found it interesting...
At the request of the active members of the channel, I prepared this video to show you what a workday is like...
I already have the 2024 recap! I did it in November because due to my December commitments it was going to be difficult to do it that…
This typical job interview question for a junior automation tester position is answered.
Are you preparing for the Foundation Level certification and confused about the difference between statement coverage and branch coverage?In this…
In this video, I answer some of the most frequently asked questions I get from students in my courses...
What course do I need to get a job in testing? (Or any other IT role)Today we reflect on…
Today I'm going to tell you 3 ways to generate fake files with the extension and size you need...