2 years with my YouTube channel!
I am very happy because my YouTube channel is 2 years old. Find out how I celebrated it.
I am very happy because my YouTube channel is 2 years old. Find out how I celebrated it.
Today I have a special guest: Karine Ramos. We made the tester tag.
Hola testers, hoy vengo a traerles un notición para aquellos que están preparando la certificación Foundation Level en Español 2018.…
On Wednesday I will be participating in the OnlineTestConf (OTC).
I want to hear your favorite testing definitions!
On April 26, I participated in the third edition of Testing in Chile organized by Marcela Mellado.
On this video I tell you why I made that decision and how it was on that road.
Today I bring you 5 considerations to keep in mind when testing software for children.