Win a free voucher for taking an exam of your choice!

In this video I want to tell you several news. The first one is that we reach the 500 subscribers in my YouTube channel! And that's why Brightest gave us a certification exam voucher to draw among the people who are subscribed. In the video I tell you how to win that prize. 


I briefly tell you the news that I mention in this video: 

– Lancé mi sitio… si estás acá, entonces no es ninguna novedad 🙂

– From Argentesting we started to offer free webinars

- The next webinar is about API testing with Postman on 8/9.

Leonardo Espíndola launched his blog that will be mainly about webservices, IOT and microservices testing.

- Two different certifications were released about Selenium webdriver. 

I leave the video and, if you are preparing or want to take the Foundation Level or Agile Testing, do not forget to participate: