Certifications for testers

Although ISTQB is the best known certification in testing (at least in Argentina), there are other alternatives for those testers who want to certify. In this video I'll tell you a little more about the ISTQB, IIST and ISCB certifications.

ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board) is an organization based in Europe, but with representation in different parts of the world through its boards (for example, ASTQB in the United States, HASTQB in Latin America, BSTQB in Brazil, etc.). It has different certification areas that are Agile, Core or Specialist. The last one includes the most technical certifications. The ISTQB exams are multiple-choise and require the 65% correct response to pass. Depending on the level and language in which you are performing, the number of minutes available to solve the test will vary.

Another certification available is that from IIST (International Institute for Software Testing). This institute, from the United States, offers a set of certifications that are known as CSTP (Certified Software Test Professional). The certification areas are Professional Testing, Agile Testing, Automated Testing, Test Management, Mobile Testing and Quality Management. Each of these areas has a roadmap of certifications. In addition, on the IIST website you can find free webinars about current topics.

Finally, the ISCB (Software Certifications Boards) which is the part of QAI Institute that is dedicated to certifications. There are three major areas of certification that are: Software Testing, Software Quality and Software Business Analysis. Each of these areas have 2 or 3 certifications. Particularly in the software testing, there are three levels:

CAST: Certified Associate in Software Testing: evaluate knowledge and skills in relation to the principles, concepts and fundamental practices of testing.

CSTE: Certified Software Tester: evaluates the skills of the person in relation to the above.

CMST: Certified Manager of Software Testing: evaluates that in addition to knowing how to do testing, the person has skills for the management of tests and their equipment.

As you can see, there are other alternatives to ISTQB certification that are equally mature. If you want to know more about the contents, the exam and the evaluation form, I invite you to watch this video.

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