NAdia Cavalleri


  • 2022 – ISTQB Awards Excellence Award Finalist (ISTQB)
  • 2021 – Digital Leader Award in Argentina (Globant) 
  • 2017 – Most influential women in Testing (Abstract)
  • 2016 – Tech women who open paths (El cronista)
  • 2014 – South American judge at the World Testing Championship


Stubborn Testing Interview

Tester Testarudo
Manuel Ledezma interviewed me on his YouTube channel and gave me the honor of closing his first interview cycle. So I'm very grateful for that. 

How to find a job as a tester?

We answered questions from the audience about salaries, how to stand out in interviews, the selection process, typical questions, whether certifications are really worth it, the importance of portfolios, and much more. 

Radio interview

Ingenias y algo más
A group of women engineers graduated from the UTN have a radio program that is transmitted online. There I participated as a guest and we were talking about the third edition of Argentesting that was in 2018.

Interview on Spotify

In just 7 minutes I answer the typical questions from the Estereotipas podcast.

Nadia Cavalleri and her QA Journey

El QA Teque podcast
We talked about starting in the tech world, what it's like to emigrate, and sharing knowledge on various platforms.

About Nadia and her courses

Guillermo Marchebout 
We talked about my work experience, how I help other testers, and the available courses.

Inspiring women

This Slovak organization interviewed me for the Women Inspiring section. There I talk about how I got involved in the IT world, why it is good to work in this field and some gender issues.

Coffee and chat with Nadia Cavalleri: past, present, and future in testing.

The free range tester
We talked about everything with Pato Miner.

Discover how to grow as a tester.

Testing para todos
We talked about how I started in testing, my first public talks, ArgenTesting, the importance of attending events, advice for those just starting, and much more.

Girl programmers

Girl programmers
Interview with the girls from Entre Programadoras.


What to do when there is nothing to do?

Quality Matters – 09.2023

If you or your employees currently don't have assignments, this article provides ideas and suggestions for maximizing your time.

Lessons learned from changing jobs in times of pandemic

Quality Matters – 03.2021

The pandemic made it easier to find jobs from other locations around the world. That implies that there are new considerations to take into account. In this article I summarize these points. 

The risk of not managing risks

Quality Matters – 09.2022

Managing risks prevents events from becoming problems.

In this article and in the risk management course, we talk a lot about it. 

Being agile in your personal relationships

Quality Matters – 03.2019

What agile practices can you implement in your personal relationships to keep or improve them? In this article I tell you how I implemented some of them.

Testing applications for children

Quality Matters – 09.2019

Is it the same to test applications for adults than doing it for children? Of course not. In this article I tell you what are some of the differences.

The importance of Software Configuration Management in testing

Testing experience – 03.2010

SCM is a fundamental discipline in software development teams. But why in testing we don't give it so much importance? Let's think a little...

Having fun with your testing team

Quality Matters – 01.2018

Here you can find some activities that you can execute in your work teams to improve the interaction and motivation of people. They were very useful for me.

How to evaluate potential testers using games

Testing experience – 05.2023

Due to not only is important what you do today, but also the potential that you may have, I invite you to introduce games in the selection process.

Localization testing is more than testing the translation

Quality Matters – 09.2024

The first thing we contemplate when doing location testing is the translation, but there are many other things to review. Here I tell you what they are.


The best blogs, podcasts and channels to boost your career as a software tester in 2022


Abstracta made a compilation of the best resources to learn testing and they included me in that list!

Globant awarded women in the IT industry

Ámbito financiero, La nación y Forbes

News about the Globant Woman Awards. In these awards, I was the winner of the Digital Leader category in Argentina 2021.

You can also find it at Ámbito Financiero, La Nación and Forbes.

The best system

Hospital Italiano

I gave a talk about 'Continuous improvement in testing teams' at the XIV Jornadas Universitarias de Informática en Salud. That is why, Mariana Pernas, interviewed me. The conclusions were published in this note.

Women in technology that open paths

El cronista

Interview from the newspaper. I talk about how I chose this profession where the majority were men (and still they are).

Influential women in testing


In the blog of this company I was recognized as one of the most influential Latin American women in testing. You can find many others to follow.

How to manage continuous improvement in companies


Article about Baufest as a case of study. It is an Argentinian company, in which we implemented Kaizen and we achieved 190 improvements in only one year.

Technological pride

Canal AR

When I participated as a South American judge of the testing world cup, the UTN and CanalAR, interviewed me about that experience.

How to manage continuous improvement in testing teams using community of practice


One of the attendees of the talk I gave at the QS-TAG conference, made this report about my presentation.

Posts in TestingBaires


Find several notes about my professional activity that have appeared on this blog.

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